Error [J2EE:160149] deploying an ADF based application in WebLogic

This morning I had a number of ADF based applications to deploy against a new WebLogic 11g domain.  When I tried to activate the changes, I hit the following error (the log file revealed nothing further):

An error occurred during activation of changes, please see the log for details.
[J2EE:160149]Error while processing library references. Unresolved application library references, defined in weblogic-application.xml: [Extension-Name:, exact-match: false].

The ADF libraries in my domain were only targeted at the Admin Server, so when I tried to deploy my application to a Cluster of Managed Servers, it couldn’t see the ADF extensions.

So to get around this, log into the WebLogic console for your domain and do the following:

  • Click on Deployments.
  • Click on the ‘,’ library deployment.
  • Click on the Targets tab.
  • Select the Managed Server(s) or Cluster(s) to which your application is going to be deployed, leaving the AdminServer target still ticked.
  • Click on Save.

Then repeat the steps above for the following libraries:

  • jstl(1.2,
  • jsf(1.2,

Activate any changes (if running in Production Mode) and try deploying your application again 🙂

NOTE: You may need to repeat the steps above for other ADF libraries that I’ve not listed here, it depends on which ADF extensions your application is using, but the above worked for me

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